Sunday, August 31, 2014

Red Beans with Vegetables and Organic Whole Grain Corn – Vegan / Vegetarian Recipe
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Red Beans with Vegetables and Organic Whole Grain Corn

Note: A legume (beans) combined with a cereal (corn) is an example of a complete vegan protein.

Friendly reminder: For an alkaline nutrition, the ideal quantity of protein (in this case, beans + corn) should not exceed 25 % of one’s plate. The rest of 75 % should be filled with vegetables, ideally raw.

Serves: 4


4 cups cooked red (kidney) beans (soaked overnight before boiling);

2 cups organic whole grains corn, defrost and lightly heated in warm water for 5-10 min, and drained;

1 large onion, chopped;

1-2 garlic cloves, minced;

1 sweet pepper, minced;

4-5 tablespoons first cold pressed olive oil;

1 shredded carrot;

1 teaspoon iodine-free salt;

¼ teaspoon black pepper powder;

½ cup minced fresh parsley;

2/3 cups water (if possible, use the water drained off the beans).


Stir the onion and garlic in oil for 2-3 min.

Add the rest of vegetables, and continue cooking for another 2-3 min.

Add the beans, corn, water, salt and pepper, and let it simmer for 2-3 min.

Turn off the heat, add the parsley and mix.

Serve with a raw vegetables salad.

Here are a few raw vegetable salad recipes for inspiration:

Raw beet salad recipe:

Raw tomato salad recipe:


Raw cucumber salad recipe: 


Enjoy! Pofta buna!

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