Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Cashew and Flax Seed Rolled Cake - Raw Vegan / Vegetarian Recipe

Available in three languages.
Vegan recipes in English Recettes veganes en Francais Romana retete vegane
Main Page 

Ingredients for the dough:
1 cup cashews soaked at least 4 hours in advance2 tablespoons maple syrup or another sweetener of your choice1 tablespoon vanilla extract 

Ingredients for the cream:

  • 1 cup freshly ground flax seeds
  • 2-3 tablespoons maple syrup or another sweetener of your choice
  • 1 tablespoon organic carob powder or organic cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons water

  • Mix all ingredients for the dough and spread the dough on a waxed paper sheet.
  • Cover the dough with another sheet of waxed paper and press gently with your hands to spread it until it gets to about 1 cm thick.
  • Mix all ingredients for the cream and apply evenly on the cashew dough.
  • Roll tightly the cake with the paper. At each roll, take out the paper caught underneath and continue all the way to the end.
  • Wrap the rolled cake in a clean waxed paper sheet and then wrap the whole thing in aluminium foil.
  • Place the cake in the freezer for at least 45 minutes.
  • Take out the cake a few minutes before serving and cutting. Enjoy! Pofta buna!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Watermelon and Lemon Smoothie Vegetarian Recipe

Available in three languages.

Vegetarian recipes in English  Recettes végétaliennes en Français Romana retete vegan Main Page


4 cups watermelon cut in pieces;
¼ peeled lemon;

Place the ingredients in the food processor and mix for at least 15 seconds, until it becomes a smooth juice.
Serve immediately or keep refrigerated for 2 to 3 days. Enjoy! Pofta buna!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Thai Sauce with Sesame Seeds - Vegan / Vegetarian Recipe.

Available in three languages.
Vegetarian recipes in English  Recettes végétaliennes en Français Romana retete vegan Main Page

Thai Sauce with Sesame Seeds

Note: A seed (sesame) + a cereal (rice pasta) = a complete vegan protein.
Serves: 2-3 portions


1 sliced onion;
2 minced garlic cloves (optional);
1 sliced sweet pepper;
4 cups frozen Thai vegetables mix (sweet peas, green beans, carrots, celery etc.); 
2-3 cups (250 g) sliced mushrooms;
4-5 tablespoons first cold pressed olive oil;
½ cup organic soy sauce;
¼ cup organic Tamari sauce;
¼ cup water;
½ cup sesame seeds.


     Stir the onion and garlic in oil for 2-3 min., at medium heat.
    Add the pepper and continue cooking for 1-2 min.
    Add the rest of the vegetables and mushrooms and continue cooking for 3-4 min (or until the vegetables defreeze and heat up). Vegetables should be softened and warmed up, and only half-cooked. 
    Add the water and sauces and stir for one minute.
Serve on a layer of cooked vermicelli and sprinkle the sesame seeds on top of the sauce.

Enjoy! Pofta buna!

Sunflower Seeds Brownie with Dark Chocolate Topping - Raw Vegan - Vegetarian Recipe

Available in three languages.

Vegetarian recipes in English  Recettes végétaliennes en Français Romana retete vegan
Main Page 

Sunflower Seeds Brownie with Dark Chocolate Topping 

1 cup shelled sunflower seeds, soaked in water at least 4 hours in advance; 
2-3 tablespoons Tahini sauce (ground sesame seeds sauce);
2-3 tablespoons organic carob powder or organic cocoa powder;
2-3 tablespoons maple syrup (or another sweetener);
1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes; 
200 g unsweetened dark chocolate (min. 85 % cocoa);

Mix the sunflower seeds in the blender until it turns into a cream.
    Pour the cream in a bowl and mix with the rest of the ingredients (except for the chocolate).
    Spread the mixture on a waxed paper sheet, in a rectangular bowl, cover with another waxed paper sheet, and press gently with your hands to equally spread the mixture (should be about 2 cm thick).
    Cool the cake in the freezer for at least an hour.
    Take out the cake and cut in squares for serving.
    Melt the chocolate on steam (bain-marie) and pour it on top of each square.

    Serve immediately or keep frozen.

    Enjoy! Pofta buna!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Scrambled 'Eggs' with Tofu and Vegetables - Vegan / Vegetarian Recipe

Available in three languages.
Vegetarian recipes in English  Recettes végétaliennes en Français Romana retete vegan Main Page

 Scrambled 'Eggs' with Tofu and Vegetables


200 g organic tofu (1/2 block);
1 large onion, sliced;
1 sweet pepper, sliced;
½ teaspoon iodine-free salt;

¼ teaspoon black pepper powder;
¼ teaspoon turmeric powder;
2-3 tablespoons first cold pressed olive oil;
4-5 washed and sliced mushrooms (optional);
1-2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes (optional);


Cut the tofu in the blender until it turns into tiny pieces. 

Stir the vegetables in oil for 2-3 min., at medium heat.

Add the rest of the ingredients (except for the yeast) and continue cooking for 2-3 minute.
Turn off the heat and add the yeast (optional).
Serve hot with (or without) kamut or spelt bread.

Enjoy! Pofta buna!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tartinade aux courgettes crues et mayonnaise aux avocats - recette végétalienne / Raw Zucchini Spread with Avocado Mayonnaise - Vegan Recipe / Salata de dovlecei cruzi cu maioneza de avocado - reteta raw vegana

Tartinade aux courgettes crues et mayonnaise aux avocats 

Ingrédients :
2-3 courgettes;

1 tasse mayonnaise végane aux avocats.

Recette pour la mayonnaise aux avocats ici :

Préparation :
Laver, peler (ou garder la pelure si les courgettes sont bio) et râper les courgettes, puis les mélanger avec la mayonnaise à l’aide d’une cuillère en bois.

Servir sur du pain de kamut ou épeautre ou comme trempette avec des légumes crues, ou les deux! ;-).

Garder au réfrigérateur pendant 1 à 2  jours.

Bon appétit! Pofta buna!


Zucchini with Avocado Mayonnaise 

2-3 zucchini;

1 cup vegan avocado mayonnaise;

Recipe for the avocado mayonnaise here

Wash the zucchinis, then peel (or leave the skin if they are organic), and shred them.

Mix with the mayonnaise with a wooden spoon.

Serve with kamut or spelt bread, or as dip for raw veggies, or both. ;-)

Keep refrigerated for 1-2 days. Enjoy! Pofta buna!


Salata de dovlecei cruzi cu maioneza de avocado 


2-3 dovlecei;
o cana maioneza vegana din avocado;

Reteta de maioneza vegana din avocado aici


Se spala dovleceii, se curata de coaja (daca nu sunt bio) si se razuiesc. 
Se amesteca maioneza cu o lingura de lemn.
Se serveste cu legume crude sau paine de casa de kamut sau spelt; sau ambele. ;-)
Se pastreaza la frigider 1-2 zile.

Pofta buna!